TeriAnn's Guide to Aladdin and other brands of kerosene Mantle Lamps

Contents  >  Aladdin mantle history > Lox-On mantle pictures



Lox-On Mantles and their boxes over time

Pictures of earlier mantles

Thanks to John Whitehead who provided many of the pictures on this page

The Lox-On mantle was introduced in 1928 along with the Aladdin model 12 lamp.  Every Aladdin lamp made since then uses the Lox-on mantle.  New Lox-on mantles are available today directly from the Aladdin Mantle Lamp company or any of the Aladdin distributors.

The Lox-on mantle moved the cone back to the gallery which reduced the manufacturing cost of the mantle.  The mantle retained its proper location in relation to the cone by virtue of its locking method of mounting to the gallery.  The mantle is supposed to lock into place with no air gap between the cone built into the gallery and the mantle.  Unintended air gaps cause flame spikes  on the wick.

Lox-on mantles have been manufactured in America, the UK and n Brazil. They are now being manufactured in the Philippians.  KoneKap mantles have been discontinued. Aladdin produces an adapter that allows the use of Lox-On mantles on models 2 through 11 lamps.

Case of Loxon mantles from the 1990's

There are two different locking systems used on the Lox-on mantles.  The original Lox-on design locked  two catches on opposite sides of the top outer gallery rim to the bottom edge of each mantle wire support.  This method was used on model 12, A, B, 14 and C galleries. A bent gallery could create an air gap between the mantle and cone.  The model 21, 21C and 23 galleries use a different locking system. Loxon mantles made for these galleries have four little tabs along the inside edge of the mantle base. These four tiny tabs lock to the top of the cone.  An earlier Lox-on mantle will fit to a later gallery by friction fit only and not lock in place. A late loxon mantle still has the mounting flange as part of the wire support so can be used with older galleries.

Please note that the dates assigned to these pictures are tentative at best and mostly based upon years of manufacture of the lamps marked on the box and dates different versions of the Aladdin trademark was used according to Bill Courter's book "Aladdin the Magic Name in Lamps"

Model 12 mantle and box. This box pattern was also used for the new Lox-on chimney as well. I currently believe this to be the first box style for Lox-on products.  In keeping with Aladdin's practice of making different styles visually stand out from one another, the Kone-Kap mantle of the same period was boxed in a red with black trim box.  This is the version sold in he US.   Notice that the frame is very rigid.  The bottom skirt of the mantle is held firmly in the correct location by the outer bottom frame and the bottom flange with a row of holes.  The holes only go to the bottom of the mantle and not all the way through to the cone.  The inside lip of the frame makes a solid seal to the cone.

Early UK model 12 mantle and box.  Notice that Aladdin UK was using a different logo than the US.  Also the tooling used to make the mantle appears to be completely different.

UK model 12 mantle in a slightly different (later?) blue box with white graphics.

The three boxes side by side.  Note the US box is slightly shorter.


Made between 1933 and 1946.  Here you can see that the bottom frame has been simplified making the base a little less rigid.  The bottom of the frame still turns up and makes a 360 degree barrier to keep the bottom of the mantle properly in place.

Specially packaged rail road mantle from the 1940s.  These mantle were not on the regular Aladdin price list.

They appear to be constructed the same as the common Lox-on mantle sold at the same time.

Made sometime between 1947 and 1954.

Notice that they didn't mention Model A lamps. A small crimp was added to the top of the holding wire to make sure the top of the mantle is located correctly.

UK mantle, 1964 or earlier

Between 1947 to 1963.  This is likely to be the first "UK spec" mantle that used the new four tab mounting system that mounted the mantle directly to the model 21 gallery cone.

1963 or earlier  UK mantle for model 12 and UK models

Made sometime between 1955 and 1963

This is the first box picture I have labeled "Improved". Note the base has changed and a skirt has been added to the bottom of the mantle base.  I am currently guessing that this skirt on the bottom of the frame was for American Model C lamps.  Notice that the 360 degree bottom rim that kept the base of the mantle located is no longer there.  The bottom of the mantle is now just held in place along the frame wire supports.  This makes the bottom of the mantle more apt to break from handling.  There is no marking on the box about railroad caboose use but the labeling on the side of the case box says they are for use with caboose lamps.  This suggests that boxes labeled caboose mantles were discontinued in 1954 or 1955 with the model B lamp.

Between 1963 and 1969.  This appears to be the first "American spec" mantle with the new four tab cone mounting system as the 21C was the first model sold in the states with a gallery that used the new system.

Between 1969 and 1979 UK

The bottom skirt was modified into 4 fingers on each side of the base with allows for easier stretching to fit cones of  slightly different diameter or taper. At this time I am not sure if this was needed to fit the model 23 or the Hong Kong model 23 galleries

Made sometime between 1969 and 1979, most likely between 1974 and 1979.

Between 1970 and 1980

Aladdin Lox-On mantle box
picture courtesy of Wesslee Kinsler

A transition mantle box from January 1980.  This has the older logo ans the new genie background image. It is interesting that this box references a model 23C burner.

After 1981. Production of the Brazil manufactured Lox-On mantles ceased in 2002 and the Aladdin factory ran out of stock in 2003.

According to Tony Joint

"This Lox-On mantle was made by Falks Veritas in Malta during the 5-6 years the mantles were made there after Brazil Production shut down"

Aladdin Lox-On mantle made in Malta
Aladdin model 32A lox-on mantle

Aladdin  Lox-On mantle for the model 23A. Non radioactive material.  Made in the Philippines. Production of the non-radioactive mantles began in 2010. There was a 7 year gap when new Lox-On mantles were unavailable from Aladdin.

The new mantles have been downgraded to 40 candlepower, 1/3rd less than the previous mantles.

In 2014 improvements were made to the mantle frame and the mantle bags became more uniform in size. The R-150 part number remains the same so there is no way to identify mantles with the new or older frame while still in the box.

Aladdin Lox-On mantles
60 candlepower mantle left, 40 candle power right

Welsbach, an American mantle manufacturer, made after market mantles for Aladdin lamps.   There are horizontal tabs along the bottom of the base for locking to the model 12, A, B and 14 gallery.   Note the arms along the outside bottom of the mantles that help keep the bottom of the mantle in place and protect it during handling.

The Welsbach mantle bags are a little larger than genuine Aladdin mantle bags.  The larger bag means that the Welsbach mantles burned brighter than the Aladdin brand mantles.



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© 2002, 2015 by TeriAnn Wakeman. All rights reserved.
This web site is not affiliated with Aladdin Mantle Lamp Company. Aladdin, and Lox-on are registered trademarks of Aladdin Industries LLC